Sunday, August 10, 2008

Rahma-Yuli get married

Friday 08-08-08 is a special day for Syam Rahma Marceilla and Yuli Setyawan. They got married.
Here are some pictures of the Bride and Bridegroom.

The bride, entering the mosque

The bridegroom, Yuli Setyawan, and his family entering the mosque

The bride, Syam Rahma Marceilla, ST asked her father to marry her to Yuli Setyawan, ST

The Penghulu delivering the marriage sermon

Rahma’s father marrying her to Yuli Setyawan, ST

The bridegroom saying his promise of marriage

Rahma's father giving advise to the newlyweds.

The newlyweds and the family entering the wedding ceremony stage.

The big family following the newlyweds

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